Comporta and the Beach Clubs
Portugal is a country that became visible a few years ago and since then is increasingly sought after by more and more tourists. There is sun, good food, excellent wine, beaches for all tastes and it is a small country that allows a quick movement from place to place.
Alentejo has never been as famous as Algarve (the southernmost region of Portugal) but in the last years it has been the favorite destination for a vacation. And one of the best known names in the Alentejo is Comporta.
A small peninsula with a lot to see
An hour and a half from Lisbon, we find the beginning of the Alentejo. The Troia Peninsula is a sandy coast with more than 25 km long and 0,5 to 1,5 km wide, on the coast of the parish of Carvalhal, in the municipality of Grândola, between the Atlantic Ocean (to the west) and the estuary of the Sado River (to the east). The peninsula has formed over the last 5000 years from south to north, from Comporta to Tróia in front of the city of Setúbal. It is located in the sub-region of Alentejo Litoral.
In this sub-region we find Comporta and Carvalhal among other villages. Characterised by its rice fields, vineyards and cork trees, it presents a coastline and consequently breathtaking beaches.
Increasingly promoted, either by public figures or by the positive comments of those who visit, the goal is clear: Enjoy all the nature that the region offers. And in this theme, there is much to see.
Beach Clubs Comporta
With this affluence that is added to the enormous desire to live the summer intensely, many seek out the beach clubs comporta in the area to be able to be side by side with the sea, for lunch, dinner, or even better, for a drink after a long day on the beach and watch the magnificent sunset with an excellent and varied menu of fish, seafood, meat or vegetarian options.
There are a few around the Troia peninsula, but the Sublime Comporta and the Comporta Café Beach Club, one on the beach of Carvalhal and the other on the beach of the Comporta are very popular. Comporta and its region is becoming so trendy that that naturally the demand for this type of spaces starts to be requested.
But those who think that these beach clubs can only be enjoyed in the summer are wrong. Portugal is a country with 300 days of sunshine, and there is nothing more pleasant than to be able to enjoy this scenery at times other than the high season.
Comporta: Tranquility prevails
Despite the activities that the region offers, such as horseback riding, water sports, off-road car rides, boat trips, yoga, spa, massages, among others, the great restaurants and beach clubs bring some movement to the region, however, what predominates is the tranquility and the quietness that the nature of the region presents, also a reflection of the luxury lodgings with unobstructed views that the region has been increasingly developing.
Internationally known celebrities have given this region a high profile, and much is due to the praise from various renowned magazines/newspapers around the world. The truth is irrefutable: Everyone who knows and explores the region takes with them unique memories and days.
Comporta ervaring

De beste plekken om te eten in Comporta
Het discrete en wilde schiereiland Comporta zit vol met heerlijke restaurants die het verdienen om bezocht te worden voor een lunch met je voeten in het zand of een charmant diner in de stad. Ontdek hier onze vakantiewoningen in Comporta. Strandrestaurants worden aanbevolen voor de lunch om te genieten van heerlijke vers gegrilde vis en

Wat te doen in Comporta als het regent?
Hoewel de regio Comporta het hele jaar door mooi weer kent, komt het voor dat er tijdens uw verblijf een paar regendruppels vallen, vooral in februari-maart. In feite is de winter in Portugal zonniger dan in de meeste Europese landen.Deze regenval is van essentieel belang voor de plaatselijke landbouw en helpt de groene landschappen van

Boek uw chef-kok thuis in Comporta
We vertrekken naar Comporta om onze batterijen op te laden en te genieten van een unieke, wilde en ongerepte omgeving. De huizen van Espirito da Comporta midden in de natuur zijn perfect om de routine van je af te schudden. Of het nu aan het strand is of midden tussen de rijstvelden, al onze villa’s