Cooking Classes Farm to table, Melides
If you stay at Comporta and are looking for cooking classes that focus on local and seasonal produce, then book at the “Farm to Table” classes of Antonio & Marta. It is at Melides that they give an appointment to their guests before taking them to an organic farm in Sobreiras Altas. On site, the originality of the class is to create a link with nature and the surrounding space through a gastronomic experience.
Guests choose and pick vegetables that will be used later to prepare their lunch. Chef Antonio prepares the meal in his kitchen and then uses a barbecue and outdoor stoves for cooking. The meal is served to the guests as a picnic in an exceptional setting.
António, the chef, has worked in a few Michelin stared restaurant in London and São Paulo. He then opened, in 2013, the Cavalariça restaurant in Comporta.
The class and the lunch are held in the open air, so they are dependent on the weather conditions. Contact them:
Marta +351 915433788
Comporta ervaring

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